A general update (Thanks for reading, the future, and ko-fi)

Hey, so this blog has been going infinitely better than I thought it would I wanna thank you all for sticking around.

When I started this blog I thought I'd be struggling to break 10 views, but every single one has gotten at least 40 after a day. It probably doesn't sound super impressive, but my main twitter has like 160 followers as of this post, so getting these numbers is super impressive. You can find my twitter at https://twitter.com/SetinCement though most of you guys probably found this through that.

If you're either of my parents, don't click that, it's illegal and I'll cry.

To peer behind the scenes for a moment - I'm the only one writing this blog and I've been taking a lot of time to work on this thing. Originally, it was planned to be something I can point at employers at, but honestly I'd like to try and grow this thing and provide more content.

This is where the money thing comes in.


I take time away from my work to do this and my work doesn't make that much money, so I have to put a lot of time into it to keep pushing my career as a writer.
For now, I'm going to leave this ko-fi up for donations, if we reach our first goal I'll be able to start doing podcasts! 

Also I'm going to up the post count to two a week at some point in the near future - I'm waffling with what to cover for this upcoming week because I have a couple of options and limited time, but if anything you should see some more posts. Right now I'm looking at one for the middle of the week and one on the weekend. (And also I'm thinking whether or not I should do a Patreon-type thing to keep this thing rolling. That'll be in the future, though.)

Don't feel compelled to donate, you just being around and reading is appreciated.

And there's another link to the discord.

Thanks for reading!



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